Textos Mastigados: Pope delivers Christmas message after Mass attack

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Rome, Italy (CNN) — The pope looked [parecia estar; aparentava] unscathed [ileso] Friday as he delivered his Christmas message in St. Peter’s Square [Praça de São Pedro], just hours after a woman jumped a barrier [barreira; obstáculo] and dragged him down [o arrastou até derrubá-lo] during Christmas Eve Mass [Missa do Galo].

Pope Benedict XVI [Papa Bento XVI], 82, delivered the traditional address [discurso, mensagem, pronunciamento] known as “Urbi et Orbi” — Latin for “To the City and the World,” sending a message of hope [esperança] to the world’s afflicted [aflitos].

Cf. Gramática: Papas, Reis e Rainhas
Cf. Como se diz “renunciar” em inglês?

He recognized those who have been affected by the global financial crisis, and by war [guerra] and conflict. “May your hearts [Que seus coraçõesbe filled [sejam preenchidos] with hope and joy [alegria] for the savior [salvador] has been born [nasceu; veio ao mundo] for us,” he said.

Cf. Pronúncia: Crise

He expressed solidarity [solidariedade] with the victims of natural disasters and poverty [pobreza], especially mentioning those who were forced to flee [abandonar; (lit.) fugir] their homes.

“In the face of the exodus of all those who migrate from their homelands [países de origem] and are driven away [expulsos] by hunger [fome], intolerance or environmental degradation [destruição ambiental], the church [a igreja] is a presence calling [conclamando] others to an attitude of acceptance [aceitação] and welcome [acolhimento],” he said.

He then sent Christmas greetings [mensagens natalinas] in 65 languages with tens of thousands [dezenas de milhares] gathered [se reuniram] before him.

The pope was not injured [não se feriu] when an assailant [agressora], identified as Susanna Maiolo, lunged at him [atirou-se em sua direção] during mass [missa] Thursday night, Vatican spokesman [porta-voz] Federico Lombardi said.

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ASSAULT

Maiolo, 25, is the same woman who tried to attack the pontiff [pontífice] on Christmas Eve [véspera de Natal] last year, Lombardi said. She was detained [detida] by Vatican police and then taken to a mental institution, he added.

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ASYLUM

The pope was quickly helped to his feet [foi rapidamente reerguido] by his aides [assistentes] — prompting cheers from the crowd [fazendo com que os presentes aplaudissem] — and the service resumed [foi reiniciado], Lombardi said.

John Allen, senior [sênior, principal] Vatican analyst for CNN, said such security [segurança] breaches [falhas] aren’t uncommon [incomuns].

Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: SAFETY x SECURITY

“As compared to say [digamos; por exemplo; suponhamos], the president of the United States, the security membrane around the pope is pretty thin [muito fina, muito tênue] and fairly [bastante, consideravelmente] permeable [permeável],” he said, citing [citando, mencionando] similar past incidents, including one that happened last Christmas Eve.

Allen said that generally, these disruptions [perturbações, interrupções] are caused by people who aren’t seeking [tem como objetivo] real harm [dano, prejuízo, mal], but who want to be close to the pope.

Cf. Pronúncia: Fechar

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Silvia Regina Lacerda
Silvia Regina Lacerda
11 anos atrás

Adorei o texto mastigado sobre o Papa. Muito claro e informativo. Gostaria de pedir-lhe um texto mastigado sobre a volta às aulas, se possível. Desde já obrigada.