Piadas Traduzidas: I slept with your girlfriend…

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Dude [Cara], I’m really sorry but I slept [dormi] with your girlfriend! You gotta understand that I am sorry… We’re still friends [Ainda somos amigos], right?

Nope! [Não!]

Uh, enemies? [Hum, inimigos?]


Then what? [Então o quê?]

Even! [Quites!; Empatados! (lit.)]

CfComo se diz “transar” na gíria americana?
Cf. Phrasal Verbs: FOOL AROUND (WITH)
Cf. Piadas em inglês: Relacionamentos
Cf. Gírias: Trepar

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11 anos atrás

Aprender inglês nas piadas (anedotas) rindo é o melhor remédio contra a vontade de give up.

12 anos atrás

This site is very important to learn english, mainly jokes because It helps students to bring questions about language. I guess website should be used to teach children in elmentary or high school. There are several aspects that show us a good opportunnity to huge the american or british world.