Adam Lambert

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Phil Han

(CNN – Connect the World) Adam Lambert made his name [ficou famoso] on the hit [de muito sucesso] American television show [programa de televisão] “American Idol” and although he didn’t win [embora não tenha vencido] the competition [concurso], he didn’t let that stop him [não deixou que a derrota o desanimasse; o parasse (lit.)].

Cf. Por que “show” nem sempre é a melhor tradução de “SHOW”?

The openly gay [homossexual assumido] singer and songwriter [compositor] has so far [até agora; já] released [lançou] his debut [primeiro; de estreia] album called “For your Entertainment” and has already won [já ganhou] artist of the year from the Young Hollywood Awards.

Cf. Gramática: Album
Cf. Vocabulário: GLS

Lambert has also won the choice male [artista (masculino) preferido (do público)] in a reality show from the 2009 Teen Choice Awards.

Cf. Anglicismos: O que significa “REALITY SHOW”?

The album also debuted [estreiou] at number three on the Billboard 200 [lista das 200 músicas (mais tocadas) da (revista) Billboard] selling nearly [quase] 200,000 copies in the first week.

Cf. Ortografia: Vírgula

However [No entanto], although Lambert has achieved [alcançou, conquistou, obteve] a great deal of [muito] success, his career [carreira] hasn’t been completely free of controversy [é polêmica; não é uma unanimidade].

Cf. Ortografia: Carreira

During a performance [apresentação] of “For your Entertainment” at the 2009 American Music Awards, Lambert was seen [foi visto] kissing a male keyboardist [tecladista (homem)] as well as [e também] grabbing the crotch [agarrando os genitais; dando uma pegadinha (inf.)] of another male dancer [dançarino].

Cf. Ortografia: Substantivos femininos

The ABC network [rede (de TV) ABC] received over [mais de] 1,500 telephone complaints [reclamações] and Lambert was quoted as saying in “Rolling Stone” [teria declarado à Rolling Stone (revista sobre música)] that “female performers [artistas (do sexo feminino)] have been doing this for years [têm esse comportamento há anos] — pushing the envelope [rompendo os limites] about sexuality—and the minute a man does it [na hora em que um homem faz o mesmo], everybody freaks out [todo mundo pira, surta].”

Cf. O que significa “PUSH THE ENVELOPE”?

“We’re in 2009—it’s time to take risks [é hora de correr riscos], be a little more brave [corajoso; audacioso], time to open people’s eyes and if it offends them, then maybe I’m not for them. My goal [objetivo] was not to piss people off [irritar; provocar; emputecer], it was to promote freedom of expression [liberdade de expresão] and artistic freedom.”

Cf. The Jonas Brothers
Cf. Justin Bieber

Posted by CNN Digital Producer, Phil Han

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[…] Cf. Adam Lambert  […]

13 anos atrás

If you look at portuguese->ingles for “show”, you will see only a few things. If you look at ingles->portuguese, you will a lot of translations. In English, we use the word “show” for a lot of things other than just a program on TV.