Becoming a better teacher in 2015 (SP)

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Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho

Becoming a better teacher in 2015

On teacher development: Becoming a better teacher in 2015

Dia: 06 de fevereiro de 2015 (sexta-feira)
: das 14h00 às 15h30
Palestrantes: Bruna Caltabiano e Higor Cavalcante
Idioma: Inglês
Local: Disal – Jaguara
Endereço: Av. Marginal Direita do Tietê, 800 – São Paulo, SP

becoming a better teacher

Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas e universidades. Professores particulares e estudantes de letras (inglês).

We work a lot, that’s a fact of a teacher’s life. We take work home, prepare lessons on the weekend, deal with time-consuming school bureaucracy, correct piles of homework and essays and much more. But how about our improvement? How about learning new techniques and skills, working on our knowledge of language, getting internationally certified? We keep pushing our own development for a certain next year which never comes, for a moment we’ll be less busy which will also never come. How about making 2015 this next year? What about starting now? In this talk, we’ll discuss ideas on how to organize yourself and what to do to start working on your development immediately, both in terms of courses and activities you can do on our own!

Inscrições: Clique aqui para fazer sua inscrição no site da Disal Distribuidora.

Bruna Caltabiano has been a teacher for 14 years and a teacher trainer and coordinator for 5 years. She is currently the coordinator of Caltabiano Idiomas. She has a degree in Psychology, and holds, among others, the Cambridge certificates CPE and ICELT.

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