Gems of Wisdom: Different ways of walking

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Jack Scholes

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth.

Nhat Hanh


To stride
To walk quickly with long steps.

  • He strode across the room and lovingly embraced her.

To march
To walk with regular, forceful steps like a soldier, often because you are angry.

  • She had an argument with the manager and marched out of the shop.

To shuffle
To walk by pulling your feet slowly along instead of lifting them off the ground.

  • The old man shuffled across the room leaning on his Zimmer frame (UK) / walker (US).

To tiptoe
To walk on your toes with your heel off the ground.

  • She tiptoed quietly past the children’s bedroom, trying not to be heard.

To creep
To move slowly, quietly and carefully, often with your body close to the ground to avoid being noticed.

To prowl (about / around)
To walk quietly, trying not to be seen or heard, often in a suspicious way.

  • A man was seen prowling around the neighborhood, and someone called the police.

To wade
To walk with difficulty through deep water.

  • The river was deep and we had to wade across to the other side.

To stagger
To walk with a lack of balance, as if you have trouble standing or walking.

  • The drunken man staggered out of the pub.

To limp
To walk in a slow, uneven way, usually because you have hurt your leg or foot.

To stretch your legs
To get up and go for a walk after sitting in the same position for a long time.

  • After driving for a couple of hours it’s a good idea to stop and stretch your legs.

To paddle
To walk with bare feet in shallow water, especially in the sea.

  • My parents used to paddle in the sea every day when they were on holiday in Blackpool.

To stroll
To walk in a slow, relaxed way, especially for pleasure.

  • We strolled around the park after lunch.

To wander around / about
To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or with no particular direction, aim or purpose.

  • They spent the afternoon wandering around the town centre.

To hike, go hiking
To go for a long walk in the countryside.

  • They hiked all the way across the hills to the next village.

To backpack
To go on a walking holiday carrying your clothes and things you need in your backpack.

  • We backpacked around South America during the summer holidays.

To trek
To make a long hard journey on foot, usually over hills or mountains or through forests.

  • I have trekked all over the Himalayas.

Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha. Adquira seu exemplar na Disal ou no Submarino.

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Mariana Passos
Mariana Passos
14 anos atrás

Very very useful!

14 anos atrás

What about the word JOG???? isn’t it like running… but not fast????