Textos Mastigados: Mountain falls onto Brazil resort; 22 killed

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(CNN) — A stationary front [frente estacionária] continued for a third day Friday to pound [castigar] Brazil’s southeast coast [costa sudeste] with rain, turning [transformando] Rio de Janeiro’s picturesque hills [colinas, montanhas] into nightmarish scenes [cenário pavaroso; um pesadelo] and raising [elevando] the death toll [número de mortos] to 45, state officials [autoridades do governo estadual] said.

A giant [gigantesco] piece of a mountain collapsed [desmoronou] Friday into mud [lama], which descended onto the Sankay Inn resort in Angra dos Reis, two hours west [a oeste] of Rio, killing 22 people and injuring [ferindo] dozens of others, state officials said. Rescuers [as equipes de resgate] found [encontraram] another 15 bodies floating [flutuando] on the nearby [vizinha; próxima] island [ilha] of Ilha Grande, officials said.

The mudslides [deslizamentos] struck [atingiram] the inn [hotel] at 4:30 a.m. in the haven [abrigo, santuário, refúgio] for wealthy [ricos] vacationers [turistas] and celebrities. At least [pelo menos, no mínimo] 40 people had been staying there, CNN affiliate Record TV reported.

Cf. Como traduzir “LANDSLIDE”?

Rio de Janeiro’s State Governor Sergio Cabral declared [decretou] three days of mourning [luto] and ordered the state’s civil defense rescue teams on duty [trabalharem; de plantão (lit.)] round the clock [24h; sem parar].

In the poorer suburbs [bairros mais pobres] of Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte, several makeshift [provisório, temporário] homes [casas] built on steep slopes [encostas íngremes] fell victim to [sofreram] mudslides, leaving at least 350 people homeless [desabrigadas], the officials said.

The inundations began Wednesday. In nearby Jacarepagua, rescuers carried three bodies of a four-person family from the wreckage [destroços] of their hilltop [no topo da montanha] home after it was hit [depois de ser atingida] by a mudslide. Record TV broadcast [transmitiu] the rescuers’ attempt [tentativa] to find the family’s toddler [criança pequena de, em média, 1 a 3 anos], Mariana. After sifting through rubble [procurar nos escombros], the rescuers heard her cries [choro] emanating from underneath [embaixo] the rubble, dug her out [a retiraram] and carried her to safety [a levaram em segurança] amid [em meio a] cheers [aplausos].

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva told reporters he will send marine [fuzileiros navais] and naval [marinha] forces to aid [auxiliar] in carrying out [realização] rescues in remote coastal areas where more bodies are believed to be trapped [presos, aprisionados, soterrados].

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[…] Cf. Textos Mastigados: Mountain falls onto Brazil resort; 22 killed […]

Jefferson Sampaio
Jefferson Sampaio
14 anos atrás

Texto muito bem explicado. Porém nunca vi o substantivo “tool” em outro contexto que não estivesse significando ferramenta. Dei uma consultada no Michaelis on-line e tambem não consegui nada nesse sentido.
Sinceramente não entendi.

…and raising [elevando] the DEATH TOOL [número de mortos] to 45..

Rodrigo Lennon Cavalcante
Rodrigo Lennon Cavalcante
14 anos atrás

Meus amigos da indonesia ficaram mto chocados com tudo isso.
Mtas palavras novas para eu poder relatar o que ocorreu.
mto bom ulisses