'Sex and the City' movie may be too racy for one city

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From Leone Lakhani, CNN

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates [Emirados Árabes Unidos] (CNN) — Carrie Bradshaw and her friends are packing their suitcases [estão fazendo as malas], putting on [calçando] their high heels [(sapatos ou sandálias) de salto alto] and heading to [indo para] Abu Dhabi, where luxury [de luxohotels and pristine [desertas, paradisíacas; puras (lit.)] beaches [praias] serve as [são, servem de] a glamorous backdrop [cenário; pano de fundo (lit.)] for their next adventure.

But the “Sex and the City” sequel [continuação] was actually [na verdade, de fato] filmed thousands of miles away in Morocco [Marrocos], because the film’s premise [argumento] is just too racy [picante demais] for the conservative [conservadora], oil-rich [rica em petróleo] capital of the United Arab Emirates. In fact, officials in the Muslim country’s capital [capital do país muçulmano] may decide [podem decidir (probabilidade)] the movie is too [demasiado] sexy for their city.

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ACTUALLY
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: OIL
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: ARAB x ARABIC x ARABIAN

The first “Sex and the City” film wasn’t shown [exibido] in theaters [cinemas] there either [também (em frases negativas), tampouco].

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: THEATER

One moviegoer [pessoa que vai ao cinema com frequência] in Abu Dhabi told CNN that people they would more readily accept [aceitariam mais rapidamente] the movie [o filme] if the name were changed [se o nome fosse mudado].

Cf. Gramática: Conditional II

“It’s a shocking [chocante] title if you consider [levando-se em conta, levando-se em consideração] this part [região] of the world,” she said.

But even if [mesmo se] the movie never makes it to theaters [chegue a ser exibido nos cinemas] in the United Arab Emirates, it could have [poderia ter (possibilidade)] a big impact on the country.

London-based [que trabalha em / de Londres] brand expert [especialista em marcas] Stephen Cheliotis said “Sex and the City 2” could do for [fazer por] Abu Dhabi what the “Lord of the Rings” movies did for [fizeram pela] New Zealand.

“If any film is set in [se passa em] a location, then it can be a massive [enorme, gigantesco] boost [estímulo, impulso, empurrão (inf.)] for that location,” he said.

Cheliotis said Abu Dhabi could use [precisa] the extra attention.

“It does need [precisa mesmo] to get its name out there [divulgar seu nome] to raise awareness [aumentar (o nível de) conscientização, ser mais reconhecida], so this film could be really important in that respect,” he said.

The movie opens [estreia] in the United States Thursday.

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Claudio Kleine
Claudio Kleine
13 anos atrás

Oi Julia / Ulisses,

Excelente! Muito obrigado.
Que tal tb uma olhadinha nas collocations pra acrescentar mais algumas?