Beauty Sleep: sugestão de atividade em sala de aula

Tempo de leitura: menos de 1 minuto

Carlos Gontow


beauty sleep

Level of English: Basic

Recommended age: Children and teenagers


  • Grammar: Simple present, present continuous and future with “will” and “going to”
  • Vocabulary: nothing specific

Number of characters: 2 – Sleeping Girl and Prince Costumes: Get ideas from fairy tale books and movies. The costumes should be exaggerated to look funny. Playing time: Approximately 2 minutes Some suggestions:

  • You don’t need specific scenery to perform this sketch. The girl can lie on the floor.
  • The actor who plays the Prince has to exaggerate a lot – use large gestures, speak in a very heroic and romantic way. The more he exaggerates, the funnier it will be.

Cf. Os 10 erros mais comuns de quem estuda inglês


Characters: Sleeping Girl, Prince (The girl is sleeping. The prince enters.)

Prince: (To the audience.) I’m a prince. I’m looking for a princess. There is a princess sleeping in this palace for a hundred years. I’m going to wake her up and marry her. (Sees Sleeping Girl.) Oh, there she is. What can I do? I know! I have my alarm clock here. (Shows his alarm clock.) It will ring and wake her up. (Alarm clock rings. Sleeping Girl doesn’t wake up.) It didn’t work!… I know! I’m going to play very loud music. (He gets a CD player and plays very loud music. Sleeping Girl doesn’t wake up.) It didn’t work! Well, I have no choice: I’m going to kiss her! (He does.)

Sleeping Girl: (Waking up.) Who are you?

Prince: I’m a prince. I’m looking for a princess. I woke you up and now I’m going to marry you.

Sleeping Girl: You can’t marry me! I’m married!

Prince: Aren’t you Sleeping Beauty?

Sleeping Girl: No, I’m her neighbor. She lives next door.

Prince: But you were sleeping so deeply!

Sleeping Girl: Yes. I put some cotton in my ears. (Takes the cotton from her ears and shows it.) I was just getting my beauty sleep.

Prince: So you’re not a princess?

Sleeping Girl: No.

Prince: Sorry! Well, I have to go! I’m going to find Sleeping Beauty. I’m going to wake her up and marry her. (Exits.)

Sleeping Girl: (Calling.) Prince! Prince! (To the audience.) Well, he’s going to get a surprise! Sleeping Beauty married another prince many years ago… Didn’t he watch the Disney film?


Cf. O mico da professora de inglês que você deve evitar

Cf. Aprender inglês com professor nativo é melhor?

Cf. Professores: como estimular a formação de alunos autônomos

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The classroom is a stage – 40 short plays for English students, de Carlos Gontow, Disal Editora, 2005. Leia a resenha da obra para obter mais informações.

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