Como se diz “embromar / embromação” em inglês?

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Jack Scholes



[1. to faff about: to waste time doing unimportant things in a disorganized way; 2. to waffle: to talk a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers]

  • embromar / embromaçãoApesar da embromação das autoridades, o jornalista teve acesso à lista completa dos nomes.
  • In spite of the faffing about from the authorities, the journalist managed to get access to the complete list of names.

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With exactly the same meaning you can also use the verb enrolar – (lit.) to roll up – and the noun enrolação. The words embromar / embromação and enrolar / enrolação often imply putting off making a decision or delaying doing something that is your responsibility or duty to do. This often includes the use of clever words or tricks to confuse, cheat or deceive.

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Referência: “Break the Branch? Quebrar o Galho – Common, Everyday Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese” de Jack Scholes, Disal Editora, 2008. Leia a resenha. Compre seu exemplar na Disal.

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Eduardo Souto
9 anos atrás

It’s interesting to think about how people faff about some topics that they don’t know anything about!