#78 🍺 Corona beer: The coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time

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Corona by Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho


LIVE #78
Photo by Fábio Alves on Unsplash

Corona beer: The spread of the coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time — Textos Mastigados #78

Venha ler e traduzir comigo o artigo The spread of the coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time for Corona beer. Você vai aprender e/ou rever o significado e a pronúncia de advertising, despite, unfortunate, deadly, coronavirus, brew, lager, sales, appreciate, spokesperson, consistent, sentiment, trend, unlike, thoughts and prayers, traction, facility, spread, launch, hard seltzer, spark, ashore, in poor taste, lay low, survey, buzz, outbreak, order, encompass, poll, purchase, misinformation, spike, stock, case, climb, entre muitas outras palavras e expressões de uso cotidiano.

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Corona beer: The spread of the coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time


Corona beer isn’t making any changes to its advertising despite the name’s unfortunate similarity to the deadly coronavirus.

  • ADVERTISING (n.) /ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ/ = the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media [publicidade, propaganda]Cf. PROPAGANDA
  • DESPITE (prep.) /dɪˈspaɪt/ = used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it [apesar de, a despeito de]
  • UNFORTUNATE (adj.) /ʌnˈfɔrtʃənət/ = if something is unfortunate, you do not approve of it, or you wish it had not happened [infeliz, desagradável]
  • DEADLY (adj.) /ˈdedli/ = able or likely to kill people [letal, fatal, mortal]Cf. Vocabulário sobre morte em inglês
  • CORONAVIRUS (n.) /kəˈroʊnəˌvaɪrəs/ = any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals [coronavírus, covid-19]

Constellation Brands, which brews several variations of the popular lager, said in a statement that its customers “understand there is no link between the virus and our business.”

  • BREW (v.) /bru/ = to make beer [fazer cerveja]
  • LAGER (n.) /ˈlɑɡər/ = a type of light-colored beer, or a glass of this beer [lager]

Sales of Corona remain very strong and we appreciate the continued support from our fans,” Constellation Brands spokesperson Stephanie McGuane told CNN Business. “Our advertising with Corona is consistent with the campaign we have been running for the last 30 years and is based off strong consumer sentiment.”

  • SALES (n.) /seɪlz/= the number of goods, products, or services that a company sells within a certain time period [vendas, faturamento]
  • APPRECIATE (v.) /əˈpriʃiˌeɪt/ = to recognize the good or special qualities of a person, place, or thing; to be grateful for something [valorizar, reconhecer; agradecer]
  • SPOKESPERSON (n.) /ˈspoʊksˌpɜrs(ə)n/ = someone whose job is to officially represent an organization, for example in dealing with reporters [porta-voz]
  • CONSISTENT (adj.) /kənˈsɪstənt/ = not changing in behavior, attitudes, or qualities; containing statements or ideas that are similar or that have the same goal [coerente, compatível, constante]
  • SENTIMENT (n.) /ˈsentɪmənt/ = a belief or an attitude toward something [relação, opinião]

Constellation said Corona Extra sales grew 5% in the United States in the four-weeks that ended February 16. That’s nearly double the trend of the past 52 weeks. Corona’s sales are heavily dependent on the US market, unlike some of its far-more-international rivals.

  • TREND (n.) /trend/ = a gradual change or development that produces a particular result [tendência]
  • UNLIKE (adj.) /ˈʌnˌlaɪk/ = you can use ‘unlike’ to contrast two people, things, or situations, and show how they are different [ao contrário de, diferente]

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this terrible virus and we hope efforts to more fully contain it gain traction soon,” said Bill Newlands, CEO of Constellation Brands, in a statement. “We’ve seen no impact to our people, facilities or operations and our business continues to perform very well.”

  • THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS (expr.) = the phrase “thoughts and prayers” is often used by public officials offering condolences after any publicly notable event, such as a deadly natural disaster [pêsames, sentimentos]Cf. Vocabulário sobre morte em inglês
  • TRACTION (n.) /ˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ = the degree to which a new idea, product, etc. becomes popular or more widely accepted [progresso, evolução, avanço]
  • FACILITY (n.) /fəˈsɪləti/ = (usually plural) something such as a room or piece of equipment that is provided at a place for people to use [instalações, unidade, centro]Cf. 13 formas para você dizer “banheiro” em inglês


Essa foi só a primeira parte do artigo The spread of the coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time for Corona beer. Se você gostou e quiser continuar a leitura sobre o impacto do coronavírus na empresa que produz a cerveja Corona, acompanhe a segunda parte do texto no vídeo a seguir. Há índice na descrição com links para você já saltar para os trechos de seu interesse. Se quiser receber um .pdf contendo todo esse material didático, conheça o Clube Tecla SAP. Bons estudos!

Corona beer: The spread of the coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time


Clube Tecla SAP

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Textos Mastigados

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Gostou do vídeo sobre o impacto do coronavírus na empresa fabricante da cerveja Corona? As informações contribuíram para você enriquecer seu vocabulário de inglês e ampliar seus conhecimentos gerais? Nós do Tecla SAP queremos saber se o conteúdo foi útil para os seus estudos. Participe na seção de comentários, no rodapé da página. Muito obrigado.

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