Frases célebres: In any relationship in which two people become one…

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Jack Scholes

Wayne Dyer

In any relationship in which two people become one, the end result is two half people.

Wayne Dyer


Informally half means ‘a lot’ or ‘the largest part.’

  • Half the time he doesn’t even listen to what I say.
  • She invited all her neighbours to the party, but half of them didn’t turn up.

Half-and-half (US)
A mixture of milk and cream used especially in coffee.

  • I like half-and-half in my coffee.

Half (UK)
In the pub in the UK a half means ‘half a pint of beer.’

  • A pint of lager and two halves, please.

Half a minute/second
Used informally to mean ‘a very short time.’

  • Hang on. I’ll be ready in half a minute.

Half-baked / half-assed (US – slang), half-arsed (UK- slang)
These expressions are all used to refer to something either stupid or done without care or effort and not well planned or considered.

  • It’s just another of his half-baked ideas to get rich quick.
  • She made a really half-assed attempt to finish, but gave up.

Cf. Como se diz “meia boca” em inglês?
Cf. Como traduzir “ASS”?
Cf. O que “A PAIN IN THE ASS” quer dizer?

Half a loaf is better than none
This common saying means that you should be grateful for something, even if it is not as good as you really wanted. In other words, ‘something is better than nothing.’

Wayne Walter Dyer (born May 10, 1940) is an American self-help author and motivational speaker.

Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha.

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10 anos atrás

Fiquei um pouco confusa na hora de traduzir a frase, seria: “Em qualquer relacionamento no qual duas pessoas se tornam uma, o resultado final é duas pessoas pela metade” ??

10 anos atrás

Esse pensamento de Wayne Dyer lembra as irmãs Abby e Brittany
que são duas pessoas num corpo só. Estão atualmente com 23 anos
e trabalham como professoras. Em edição recente, o “Jornal de
Notícias”, Aveiro, Portugal, publicou uma foto dessas siamesas
em que aparecem sorrindo felizes ao volante de um automóvel.
Abby deve ser apelido afetuoso, assim como Abe era de Abraham.
Possivelmente, Abby tenha a ver com o prenome Abigail.