IMF approves $40B loan for Greece

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The International Monetary Fund [FMI – Fundo Monetário Internacional] on Sunday approved a 30 billion euro ($38.6 billion) loan [empréstimo] for Greece as part of a larger [maior] European Union-led [liderado pela União Europeia] effort [tentativa, esforço] to help ease [atenuar] the country‘s economic crisis.

Cf. Pronúncia: Crise

The three-year deal [negócio / acordo / transação de 3 anos] makes about 5.5 billion euros (US $7 billion) immediately available [coloca à disposição imediatamente 5,5 bilhões de euros] to Greece’s battered [castigada, combalida, que vai mal das pernas] economy, the IMF said in a statement [declaração] announcing the loan.

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: BATTERY

The approval [aprovação] comes a week after Greece accepted an international aid [auxílio, assistência] package [pacote] — negotiated by the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission — worth [no valor de] 110 billion euros (US $141 billion).

On Sunday, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou blamed the economic crisis on corruption “on all levels” [culpou a corrupção “em todos os níveis” pela crise econômica].

“The same economic crisis that we’re living through [pela qual estamos passando] is proof that these phenomena [fenômenos] drove [levaram] our country to unbearable [insuportável, insustentável] debt [dívida, endividamento] and deficit and stagnated [interromperam, estancaram] development,” Papandreou said in a statement.

Cf. Pronúncia: Dívida

“That is why it is our obligation to improve, with all of our might [força, determinação], how the political system operates [funciona] and for society to not shape a general climate [criar um clima] that is against that system and against the institutions which can ultimately [em última análise] only harm [prejudicar] the country and citizens themselves.”

Cf. Vocabulário: Por quê?
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ULTIMATE

Clashes [Confrontos] between police and thousands of demonstrators [manifestantes] in Athens on Thursday killed at least [pelo menos, no mínimo] three people. The demonstrations came hours after Greek lawmakers [legislativo; legisladores (lit.)] approved an unpopular package of budget-cutting measures [cortes no orçamento]. The measures were required [necessárias] to meet the terms [atender as condições] of the EU bailout [resgate (financeiro)].

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: DEMONSTRATION

Papandreou called for a meeting [convocou] of Parliament on Monday to address [tratar dos, enfrentar, (tentar) solucionar, lidar com] the issues [problemas].

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