Paris Hilton

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Paris Hilton was infamously [de má fé, infamemente] dubbed [apelidada] the celebrity that became famous [ficou famosa] by simply [simplesmente] doing nothing [não fazer nada], but after a few [uns poucos] years in the limelight [sob os holofotes, no centro das atenções], the hotel heiress [herdeira] hasn’t let her fame go to waste [soube tirar proveito de sua fama].

Cf. Pronúncia: H mudo

Since breaking out [apareceu; surgiu] as a target [alvo] for photographers and magazine editors, the 29-year-old American has already had [já teve] the opportunity to star [de estrelar] in her very own [sua própria] television series [série], create her own line of perfume and even [até mesmo] record [gravar] an album.

Cf. Gramática: Série

Part of the [Membro da] famed family [conhecida família] that founded [fundou] Hilton hotels, Paris has been no stranger to [está acostumada com] the spotlight [os holofotes].

At an early age [Ainda menina], Paris was friends with [era amiga de] socialites [socialite (pessoa da alta sociedade)] including Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashianone of which she later starred in [e com uma delas estrelou posteriormente] a reality show called “The Simple Life [Simple Life: Mudando de Vida (título dado à versão produzida no Brasil)].”

Paris has also had the opportunity [também teve a oportunidade] to star [de estrelar] in films including “House of Wax [A Casa de Cera]” and “The Hillz”.

But while [embora] Paris has been [continue sendo] a well-known [bem conhecida] personality on the celebrity circuit, she has shifted [mudou] her focus from the red carpet [tapete vermelho; badalações (fig.)] to working with charitable [beneficentes] organizations.

Cf. Pronúncia: Foco

Most recently [Mais recentemente], Paris has teamed up [fez uma parceria, associou-se a] with a charity [instituição beneficente] called “Songs for Soldiers” which aims to [cujo objetivo é] provide every American service member [dar a todos os militares americanos] in active duty [que estão servindo, na ativa] in Afghanistan or Iraq, with a MP3 music player [“MP3 player” (aparelho que toca arquivos (de áudio) MP3)].

Paris was named [foi nomeada] the celebrity ambassador [embaixadora] for the organization and said that once the goal is reached [assim que o objetivo for alcançado] that she hopes [espera, tem esperança] to be part of a trip overseas [viajar ao exterior] to deliver [para entregar] the music players.

CfFalsas Gêmeas: Embaixadora x Embaixatriz

Each player [todos os “players”, todos os aparelhos] will be pre-loaded [já virão] with a number of [algumas] songs from artists that have donated their music.

Cf. Como se diz “Patricinha” em inglês?

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Chadwick Browns
13 anos atrás

Paris is beautiful shes brill i love her