#73 👎🏻 Stephen King quits Facebook 👎🏻 Leitura e tradução de texto em inglês

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Stephen King by Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho

Stephen King

Stephen King — Textos Mastigados #73

Stephen King quits Facebook over concerns of ‘false information’

Venha ler e traduzir comigo o artigo Stephen King quits Facebook over concerns of ‘false information’. Você vai aprender e/ou rever o significado e a pronúncia de quit, voice (v.), advertising, genre, outspoken, fail-safe, critic, undermine, political discourse, entre muitas outras.

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Stephen King quits Facebook over concerns of ‘false information’


Stephen King has quit Facebook after voicing concerns about false information and privacy.

“I’m quitting Facebook,” the author said on Twitter Friday. “Not comfortable with the flood of false information that’s allowed in its political advertising, nor am I confident in its ability to protect its users’ privacy. Follow me (and Molly, aka The Thing of Evil) on Twitter, if you like.”

  • TWITTER (n.) /ˈtwɪtər/ = an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short messages [Twitter] — Cf. Twitter, tweeter, tweet, twit e Tweety: qual é a diferença de pronúncia?
  • COMFORTABLE (adj.) /ˈkʌmfərtəb(ə)l/ = if you are comfortable with something, you accept it or like it [satisfeito, contente]
  • FLOOD (n.) /flʌd/ = 1. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before; 2. a large number of people or things that move somewhere or arrive somewhere at the same time [1. enchente 2. enxurrada]
  • ADVERTISING (n.) /ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ/ = the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media [publicidade, propaganda] — Cf. PROPAGANDA
  • AKA (abbrev.) /ˌeɪ keɪ ˈeɪ/ = also known as: used when giving someone’s real name followed by a different name they also use [vulgo] — Cf. A.K.A.

His Facebook profile has since been deleted.

King, who has written more than 50 books, is best known for his works in the horror and fantasy genres, many of which have been adapted into films and television programs.

  • GENRE (n.) /ˈʒɑnrə/ = a particular style used in movies, writing, or art, which can be recognized by certain features [gênero]

However, the 72-year-old is politically active and very outspoken, especially regarding his views on US President Donald Trump. And when it comes to Facebook, King isn’t much of a fan of it either.

  • 72-YEAR-OLD (n.) = [(pessoa) de 72 anos] — Cf. Adjetivos numéricos
  • OUTSPOKEN (adj.) /aʊtˈspoʊkən/ = an outspoken person states their opinion honestly, even if other people do not like it [sincero, franco, verdadeiro, quem expressa abertamente as opiniões, quem não tem papas na língua]


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Stephen King quits Facebook over concerns of ‘false information’


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