Learner autonomy: preparing learners for success in 2015 (SP)

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Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho


On Learner Autonomy: Preparing Learners for Success in 2015

Dia: 06 de fevereiro de 2015 (sexta-feira)
Horário: das 15h45 às 17h15
Palestrantes: Bruna Caltabiano e Higor Cavalcante
Idioma: Inglês
Local: Disal – Jaguara
Endereço: Av. Marginal Direita do Tietê, 800 – São Paulo, SP

Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas e universidades. Professores particulares e estudantes de letras (inglês).

learner autonomy

Teaching learners how to learn the language, rather than just teaching them the language, is an extremely important skill we must all devote much more attention to. It is not very likely that some two or so hours of language instruction per week will suffice, and language work – beyond homework – must be part of students’ lives outside the classroom as well. In this talk, we’ll be discussing how to make better learners out of students, exploring activities and techniques which will help us help them reach their goal of mastering the language.

InscriçõesClique aqui para fazer sua inscrição no site da Disal Distribuidora.

Higor Cavalcante has been in ELT for over 14 years, and has taught English and teachers all over the country. He is nowadays a freelance teacher and teacher trainer, and works with a number of schools providing teacher training, exam preparation, as well as working as a private English tutor. He’s also a blogger (www.higorcavalcante.com) and holds, among other, the Cambridge CPE and CELTA, and is currently working on his Trinity DipTESOL with Oxford TESOL, Barcelona, Spain. Contact him by writing to [email protected].

Cf. Becoming a better teacher in 2015 (SP)

Cf. Professores: como estimular a formação de alunos autônomos


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