5. The German nation divided, 1974

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Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho

Este é o quinto artigo da série “10 histórias sobre futebol e política“.

5. The German nation divided, 1974

by Matthew Weiner for CNN

East Germany [Alemanha Oriental] versus West [(Alemanha) Ocidental] at the 1974 World Cup was perhaps [talvez] the most politically-charged match [a partida mais carregada de política] of all time [de todos os tempos]. After the Second World War, the divided nation [a nação dividida] had become [havia se transformado] the main arena [no principal cenário] for the Cold War [Guerra Fria], and this fixture [jogo, encontro] in Hamburg represented a head-to-head [colocava frente a frente] between the two ideologies.

German nation divided

Although [Embora] the game was actually [na verdade] the last [o último] in the group and it had become clear [já estava claro] that both teams would qualify [se classificariam] from the group stage [a fase de grupos], that did not diminish the tension surrounding [envolvendo] the clash [o confronto].

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ACTUALLY
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: LAST x LATEST

With home advantage [Com a vantagem de jogar em casa], European champions [os campeões europeus] West Germany were favorites but it was the East German [alemão oriental] Jurgen Sparwasser who scored [marcou] the only goal of the game.

CfFalsos Cognatos: DUTCH
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: GERMANE

East Germany heralded [se gabaram] their triumph, but the victory was rendered [acabou sendo] a little [um pouco] hollow [vazia; sem graça; oca (lit.)] after they were knocked out [eliminados] in the next round [na fase seguinte] and their bitter rivals [eternos rivais; rivais amargos (lit.)] went on [seguiram adiante] to win the tournament [torneio].


1. Mussolini manipulates the “man in black,” 1934
2. Austrian star humiliates Nazis, 1938
3. Algerians play for independence, 1958
4. Zaire players crack under Presidential pressure, 1974


6. Argentine junta swaps grain for glory, 1978

Still to come:

7. Iran’s football revolution, 1998
8. Germany enjoys “Partyotism,” 2006
9. The Koreas refuse to play nicely, 2008
10. Football diplomacy between old enemies, 2008-09

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13 anos atrás

Muito bom ! Aprendo bastante obrigado