Philippe Cousteau Jr

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A seção “Textos Mastigados” reproduz, com autorização, matérias da CNN. Algumas palavras são traduzidas para facilitar a compreensão. Clique nos links que apontam para “pegadinhas” já explicadas no Tecla SAP. Bons estudos!

As [Enquanto] the Gulf of Mexico continues to be battered by [sofrendo] the effects of the largest [maior] oil spill [vazamento de petróleo] in US history, one conservationist [conservacionista, ambientalista] with a famous family name [sobrenome] is warning [avisa, alerta] that the permanent effects could [poderiam (possibilidade)last [durar] a lifetime [uma geração inteira; o tempo de uma vida (lit.)].

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: LARGE
Cf. Gramática: Graus dos adjetivos e advérbios
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: OIL

Philippe Cousteau Jr, the grandson [neto] of famous marine biologist [biólogo marinho], Jacques Cousteau, recently scuba dived [mergulhou (mergulho autônomo)] into an area of the Gulf that was affected [foi atingida] by the spill and said it was an “absolute nightmare” [pesadelo completo].

Cousteau also said that a chemical dispersant [dispersante químico] being used to absorb [para absorver] the oil isn’t working [não está funcionando] as it should be [como deveria].

“We were about [cerca de] 15 to 20 feet [pés] down [de profundidade] and it was dispersed into smaller and smaller particles [partículas cada vez menores] throughout the water column [por toda a coluna de água] in these billowing clouds [nuvens envolventes] that were just circling us [nos rodeando], encompassing us [nos envolvendo] in this toxic soup [sopa tóxica],” Cousteau told CNN.

“It was very, very alarming [alarmante].”

Cousteau also [também] wrote on his blog that his grandfather, Jacques would have been [teria ficado] “horrified” [horrorizado] by the spill.

“I know that my father and grandfather would have been doing this [estariam fazendo o mesmo] if they were alive [se estivessem vivos] and that they would have been just as horrified [teriam ficado tão horrorizados] by what they saw [pelo que vissem] as I was [como eu fiquei].”

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