Tempos Verbais

Gems of wisdom: Goethe

menos de 1 minuto Jack Scholes Look at a man the way he is, he only becomes worse. But look at him as if he were what he could be, and then he becomes what he should be. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe As if After as if you sometimes use the past form of the verb when talking about the present, because the idea is not real. The grammatical name for this is the subjunctive. He acts as if he knew everything. (He does not know Continue lendo

Gramática: Conditional III

menos de 1 minuto Christine House e John Stevens Conditional III A: Oh damn, no coffee! I used the last of it last night. B: I’ve just been shopping. If you would have told had told me, I could have bought some. A: Sorry. My memory is getting really bad. B: You could do could have done something about it last year if you went had gone on that memory training course with me. A: What course was that? B: See? You’ve forgotten. You had missed would have missed Dave’s party last Saturday Continue lendo

Simple Past – Forma, Uso e Palavras Sinalizadoras

3 minutos Simple Past by Christine House and John Stevens SIMPLE PAST A: Did you went go to Angela’s party for two days two days ago? B: Yes, it was great. But you weren’t there. A: I didn’t had have time. Too much work. B: That’s a pity. A: Jill said some people felt fell in the swimming pool. Did you be Were you one of them? B: Me? Why do you think that? Simple Past – Forma Verbo be: was/were I was surprised: Continue lendo

Simple Present x Present Continuous

Simple Present x Present Continuous

2 minutos Simple Present x Present Continuous by Christine House e John Stevens As diferenças entre “Simple Present x Present Continuous” A: OK, can you all sit down, please? The pizza is ready.B: Mm. You are always making always make lovely pizzas, Jill.A: Thanks, Ann. Red wine or white wine with it?B: Usually I am drinking drink white, but today I’d like red.A: OK. And you, Tom?B: Water for him! He drives is driving tonight! Simple Present: estado permanente O Simple Present descreve 1) processos regulares e Continue lendo

Diferenças gramaticais entre o inglês britânico e o inglês americano

Diferenças gramaticais entre o inglês britânico e o inglês americano

2 minutos by Christine House and John Stevens O inglês britânico e o inglês americano O inglês americano (AmE) difere em alguns aspectos do inglês britânico (BrE). Present Perfect – simple past (units 7, 8, 10) No inglês americano, tanto o present perfect quanto o simple past são usados para relatar algo que tem efeitos no presente. O simple past é freqüentemente usado com just, already, yet, ever e before. Cf. Present Perfect versus Simple Past (1) No inglês americano, o particípio do verbo Continue lendo

Simple Present

menos de 1 minuto . A: Where’s Jim this morning? B: He (work) works on Saturdays. A: Oh. B: Well, in the morning. He (works not) doesn’t work in the afternoon. A: Can I phone him? B: Yes. (Know you) Do you know his phone number? Forma he/she/it com -s Ann loves music. She plays the piano. Ann adora música. Ela toca piano. Negação com don’t e doesn’t I don’t work on Mondays. Não trabalho às segundas-feiras. Tom doesn’t drink coffee, only tea. Tom Continue lendo