Frases: Mae West

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Jack Scholes


Love conquers all things – except poverty and toothache.

Mae West

Pain in different parts of the body

  • In a tooth – toothache.
  • In the ear – earache.
  • In the back – backache.
  • In the stomach – stomach-ache or bellyache (informal) /tummy-ache (especially for children).
  • In the head – headache. (A very bad headache that makes you feel ill is called migraine.)
  • In the throat – sore throat.

In British English we always say a headache, but the other aches are normally used without an article.

  • I’ve got a terrible headache.
  • I’ve got toothache.

In American English, a or an is usually used with aches.

  • I have a toothache.

To bellyache

To complain a lot in an annoying and unjustified or unreasonable way.

  • Stop bellyaching and just do it.

Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha. Adquira seu exemplar na Disal ou no Submarino.

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cesar martins
cesar martins
14 anos atrás

Hi dear master!your knowledge of The English language is fanfuckingtastic!I hope someday to master at least half of the knowledge you do!thanks!take care!

14 anos atrás

Tem também “heartache”. Não é uma dor física, mas dói. rs
Adoro o tecla SAP, parabéns pelo trabalho!