The Artist: What’s all the buzz about?

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O texto abaixo foi enviado para os assinantes do programa “Textos Mastigados” no dia 18 de janeiro de 2012, logo após a realização da cerimônia do Globo de Ouro.

The Artist: What’s all the buzz about?

by AJ Willingham

The Artist

So the mostly-silent, black-and-white film “The Artist” [Então o filme em preto-e-branco e praticamente mudo intitulado “O Artista”] made quite an impression [fez muito sucesso; causou uma excelente impressão; arrasou (inf.)] at the Golden Globes [no Globo de Ouro] Sunday night. Not only was it nominated for six awards [Ele não só foi indicado a seis prêmios], it won [mas, ainda por cima, ganhou] for Best Movie [(os prêmios de) Melhor Filme] (Musical or Comedy), Best Original Score [Melhor Trilha Sonora] and Best Actor [e Melhor Ator].

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: NOMINATE

Never seen it? [Ainda não viu?] Never even heard of it? [Nem ouviu falar?] You’re not alone [Você não é o único]. But since it is awards season [Mas como estamos na temporada de premiações], you may want to familiarize yourself [é melhor você ficar por dentro]. Also [Além disso], people seem to think [o público acha] it’s really, really good [que ele é muito bom]. Here’s the rundown [Aí vai o resumo da ópera]:

Cf. Como traduzir “PEOPLE”?

What: “The Artist” is a French film that is shot [rodado] in black-and-white. Since it focuses [Como seu enfoque é] on the shift [a transição] in Hollywood from silent to sound films [dos filmes mudos para os falados], it is also mostly silent (yet there is music [mas tem música], hence [por isso; por essa razão; portanto; daí] its inclusion in the “musical or comedy” category.)

Cf. Gramática: Letras Maiúsculas
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: IT’S x ITS

Who: The main actors [Os protagonistas], Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo, portray [interpretam] a falling silent film actor [um ator de cinema mudo decadente], and a rising “talkie” film actress [e uma atriz de cinema falado em ascenção], respectively. Yes, they’re both French [Sim, ambos são franceses]. Dujardin has won a slew of [um monte de] awards already for his performance [por sua atuação], including the Golden Globe for Best Actor and Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival. You’ll recognize at least one face, though [Mas pelo menos um rosto você vai reconhecer]: John Goodman has a role as [interpreta] the head of the film studio [o diretor do estúdio].

Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: RAISE x RISE
Cf. Tough, though, thought, through, thorough e throughout! Como é que é o negócio?

When/Where: The film takes place [se passa] in late ’20s/ early ’30s Hollywood [na Hollywood do final da década de 20 e início da de 30], when silent films were being replaced with [estavam dando lugar aos] sound films, or “talkies.” The stock market crash [O “crash” da bolsa] of 1929 also plays an important role [tem também papel preponderante].

Cf. Vocabulário: Bolsa

Why: The film was nominated for six Golden Globes this year, the most of any film [mais do que qualquer outro filme]. With that track record [Com esse histórico], it’s set to clean up [ele tem tudo para faturar muitos prêmios] at future awards shows, like the SAG Awards, the Independent Spirit Awards and possibly [quem sabe]… the Oscars? It also has a 97% rating [97% de aprovação] on review aggregator [no agregador de resenhas] Rotten Tomatoes, which sums up the film as a [que resume o filme assim:] “crowd-pleasing tribute to the magic of silent cinema… [um tributo à magia do cinema mudo que encanta o público…] a clever, joyous film [um filme inteligente e divertido] with delightful performances and visual style to spare [com atuações encantadoras e um estilo exuberante].”

Cf. Vocabulário: Crítica
Cf. Existe diferença entre “REVIEW” e “REVISE”? Qual?

Interested [Ficou a fim de ver]? Have you seen the film [Já assistiu]? If so [Se você já viu o filme], weigh in [participe] and let us know [nos diga] if you think it’s worth all the hype [se você acha que o filme é tudo isso mesmo].

Cf. Gramática: Particípios
Cf. O que significa “LET ME KNOW”?

Conheça o programa “Textos Mastigados”.


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Claudia Pagnoncelli
12 anos atrás

Ulisses, for me it’s worth all the hype, for sure ! I haven’t seen such a nice, romantic, real, naive, light, emotional, film lately. The actors performed wonderfully ! Dujardin in special is great and also handsome ! The story is predictable, of course, but agreable. The kind of movie that makes you feel lighter, happier…the sensations most people seek when they go to the movies to relax and feel good. It mixes drama and comedy in a perfect proportion. Therefore, it pleased me beyound expectations. No doubt, this delightful film deserved all the awards it won.

Dani Ioppi
12 anos atrás

Oh, yes, the Artisit is reallly lovely! Don't miss it, anyone! It contains all the sweet things the old (and not so old) movies used to have. And take care not to fall in love with the Artist as well, isn't he charming? And the dog? Sooo cute….

Very usefull text, Ulisses! Thanks!

Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
12 anos atrás
Reply to  Dani Ioppi

Obrigado pela visita ao Tecla SAP e pelo comentário. Valeu! Volte mais vezes. Abraço

Débora Pamplona
Débora Pamplona
12 anos atrás

It’s a good film, worth seeing, but it’s definitely NOT worth all the fuss about it. Hugo was much better! Incomparably. The good thing about it is the guts of the producer to make a black-and-white silent movie nowadays. And the plot is okay, the performances are great, but I don’t think it deserves all these awards. I read somewhere that the academy (awards in general) are not just looking for qaulity – they’re looking for an ideology to pass on. That explains the “Avatar”‘s totally illogical defeat against “The Hurt Locker”. The end-war appeal was more important than the ecofriendly message. I totally disagree with that approach. Movie awards should favor quality. This year it was a puzzle for me because the two better movies were on the same topic – the cinema. So, in my opinion, “Hugo” losing was so unfair.

Eduardo Souto
12 anos atrás

Fantástico este texto Ulisses, muito obrigado pelo ótimo post 🙂

Um abraço!