Exercícios com phrasal verbs (2)

Tempo de leitura: menos de 1 minuto

Jonathan T. Hogan e José Roberto A. Igreja

Exercícios com phrasal verbs (2)

exercícios com phrasal verbs (2)

A. Rewrite the sentences below replacing the words in italics with a phrasal verb from the word bank. Make sure you use the appropriate verb tense. The answer key is provided below.


1. “I’m sorry, sir. We don’t have any chicken today”, the waiter told Mr. Harris.

2. “I wish you would stop instigating the children because, if they keep misbehaving, we will have to cancel the picnic we had planned”, Bob’s mother told him.

3. Mr. Watts wanted to request a short break, but several students kept interrupting and asking questions.

4. “I hope you won’t disappoint your father anymore”, Mike’s mother told him.

5. “Do you know why Brad and Marsha decided to separate?”, Alice asked Jane.

B. Choose the alternative that best explains the meaning of the phrasal verbs in the sentences below.

1. “Stop fooling around!”, Tom told Jim. Tom told Jim to…

a. stop making a fool out of himself.

b. stop making other people think he is a fool.

c. stop behaving in a playful way.

d. stop calling other people a fool.

2. Jack is glad he will have plenty of time to catch up on his reading during his vacation. Jack is glad he will…

a. not need to read at all during his vacation.

b. have enough time to read all the back issues of his favorite magazine he did not have time to read before.

c. enjoy himself buying lots of different books during his vacation.

d. not need to bother about reading work documents during his vacation.

3. Come on is a phrasal verb used to…

a. cheer someone up, only.

b. make someone move or act faster, only.

c. call someone’s attention to some important fact.

d. cheer someone up and make someone move or act faster.

4. “Don’t take your bad mood out on people!”, Gina told Brian. Gina told Brian not to…

a. treat people badly just because he is in a bad mood.

b. be in a bad mood because things aren’t so bad.

c. feel sorry for people who are in a bad mood.

d. reveal his bad mood to other people.

5. Hurry up is a phrasal verb used to…

a. tell people to take their time to do something.

b. tell people to act or move more quickly.

c. tell people to get out of bed in the morning.

d. tell people to open up their eyes and see what is happening.


C. Match the definitions on the left (1-10) with the phrasal verbs on the right (a-j).

1. stop working, esp. cars, electronic equipment, etc. a. get on
2. put on fancy or formal clothes b. phase out
3. return something to its owner c. knock out
4. eat something quickly d. move in with
5. hit and make someone unconscious e. log on
6. behave or look like an older member of the family f. break down
7. go to live with somebody else g. gobble down
8. enter; board a bus, train, subway, plane etc. h. dress up
9. gain access to a computer system by typing in a password i. take after
10. gradually stop using a system, a product, etc. j. give back

Cf. WhatsApp: qual é a pronúncia correta de WhatsApp?

Cf. HASHTAG: qual é o significado? Existe tradução?

Cf. Exercícios com phrasal verbs: teste seus conhecimentos (1)

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Phrasal Verbs – Como falar inglês como um americano!, de Jonathan T. Hogan e José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora, 2004. Leia a resenha para obter mais informações sobre o livro. Adquira seu exemplar com comodidade e total segurança no site da Disal Distribuidora.


Exercícios com phrasal verbs (2)


1. “I’ m sorry Sir. We are out of chicken today”, the waiter told Mr. Harris.

2. “I wish you would stop egging on the children because, if they keep acting up, we will have to call off the picnic we had planned”, Bob’s mother told him.

3. Mr. Watts wanted to ask for a short break, but several students kept butting in and asking questions.

4. “I hope you won’t let your father down anymore”, Mike’s mother told him.

5. “Do you know why Brad and Marsha decided to break up?”, Alice asked Jane.


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. b


1 – f
2 – h
3 – j
4 – g
5 – c
6 – i
7 – d
8 – a
9 – e
10 – b

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Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
7 anos atrás

Breno, tudo bem?

O que você quer saber sobre esse phrasal verb? “To come up short” é expressão de uso corrente na língua inglesa.


Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
8 anos atrás

Sérgio, tudo bem?

Não escrevo textos em inglês por uma razão muito simples: a intenção do Tecla SAP é oferecer conteúdo educacional sobre a língua inglesa para alunos e pessoas interessadas de todos os níveis. Se eu escrevesse em inglês, boa parte do público leitor teria dificuldade em absorver as informações.

O argumento de quem quer ler em inglês para praticar a leitura não se sustenta. Não é por falta de conteúdo em inglês na Internet que alguém vai deixar de praticar a leitura. Há excelentes fontes de referência em inglês sobre qualquer assunto. O Tecla SAP não tem a pretensão de competir com a CNN nem com a BBC! 😉

Há vários trechos de livros que foram escritos em inglês publicados no Tecla SAP. O foco nesses casos é, em geral, o estrangeiro interessado em aprender inglês.


Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
8 anos atrás

Hi Danielle,

Thanks for pointing that out. The typo has just been corrected.

Take care

8 anos atrás

Houve um pequeno erro no gabarito. No exercício C o número 2 é letra h e o 6 é letra i.

Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
8 anos atrás
Reply to  Luciana

Luciana, como vai?

Muito obrigado por apontar o erro de digitação. Ele acaba de ser corrigido. Volte mais vezes!
