Exercícios com phrasal verbs: teste seus conhecimentos (1)

Tempo de leitura: menos de 1 minuto

Jonathan T. Hogan e José Roberto A. Igreja

Exercícios com phrasal verbs

exercícios com phrasal verbs

A. Rewrite the sentences below replacing the words in italics with a phrasal verb from the word bank. Make sure you use the appropriate verb tense. The answer key is provided below.


1. “Who is going to take care of our dogs while we are away?”, Lucy asked her husband.

2. “If you continue working like this, you’re going to end up having a heart attack”, Jack told his friend Paul.

3. “Tom was supposed to come to get me at 6:00 p.m. I wonder why he hasn’t arrived yet!”, Kate told her friend Liz.

4. The security guard went up to Bill and told him to extinguish his cigarette as that was a non-smoking area.

5. “This story is very strange. I think Bob is inventing it!”, Jake told his friends.

B. Choose the alternative that best explains the meaning of the phrasal verbs in the sentences below.

1. “Susan is not into antique art”, Susan is not…

a. interested in antique art.

b. an antique art expert.

c. at all worried about antique art.

d. an antique art critic.

2. “How come you didn’t show up for the rehearsal?”, Dan asked Linda. Dan asked Linda how come she didn’t…

a. mention the rehearsal to her friends.

b. come to the rehearsal.

c. do what she was supposed to have done during the rehearsal.

d. show the pictures of the rehearsal to everyone.

3. “I wish Tony would stop bossing me around“, Janet told her friend Anna. Janet told her friend Anna…

a. she would like Tony to stop treating her as if she were the boss.

b. she would like Tony to stop treating her nicely.

c. she would like Tony to stop helping her out.

d. she would like Tony to stop telling her what to do.

4. During the meeting Jeff came up with a stupid remark that pissed off his boss. Jeff…

a. had a funny idea that made his boss laugh a lot.

b. showed up late for the meeting and made his boss angry.

c. presented some unusual ideas that surprised his boss greatly.

d. voiced a stupid comment that irritated his boss.

5. “Don’t wait up for me”, Catherine told her mother. Catherine told her mother not to…

a. wake up in the middle of the night because of her.

b. stay up late waiting for her.

c. wait for her standing.

d. stay home waiting for her.

C. Match the colloquial equivalents in Portuguese on the left (1 – 10) with the phrasal verbs on the right (a – j).

1. fazer as pazes a. butter up
2. dar de cara com alguém b. fall apart
3. pegar no pé c. take after
4. devorar d. break in
5. puxar a alguém e. pick on
6. bater na mesma tecla f. make up
7. malhar g. gobble down
8. cair aos pedaços h. bump into
9. bajular i. harp on
10. amaciar j. work out

Cf. PAY: os principais phrasal verbs com “PAY”

Cf. Ampliar vocabulário de inglês é como beber Toddy gelado


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Phrasal Verbs – Como falar inglês como um americano!, de Jonathan T. Hogan e José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora, 2004. Leia a resenha para obter mais informações sobre o livro. Adquira seu exemplar com comodidade e total segurança no site da Disal Distribuidora.


Exercícios com phrasal verbs


1. “Who is going to look after our dogs while we are away?”, Lucy asked her husband.
2. “If you go on working like, this you’re going to end up having a heart attack”, Jack told
his friend Paul.
3. “Tom was supposed to pick me up at 6:00 p.m. I wonder why he hasn’t arrived yet!”,
Kate told her friend Liz.
4. The security guard went up to Bill and told him to put out his cigarette as that was a
non-smoking area.
5. “This story is very strange. I think Bob is making it up!”, Jake told his friends.


1. a
2. b
3. d
4. d
5. b


1 – f
2 – h
3 – e
4 – g
5 – c
6 – i
7 – j
8 – b
9 – a
10 – d

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Gabriel Fábio Azevedo
Gabriel Fábio Azevedo
8 anos atrás

Excelente conteúdo, certamente vou usar nas minhas aulas. Muito bom pra quem faz aulas de conversação, é aqui que você trava na conversa se não conhece as expressões!

Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
8 anos atrás

Gabriel, como vai?

Obrigado pelo comentário simpático. Fico contente em saber que o conteúdo está sendo bem aproveitado.


Aline Rogers
Aline Rogers
8 anos atrás

Exercícios muito bons! Phrasal verbs sempre geram dúvidas.

Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho
8 anos atrás
Reply to  Aline Rogers

Aline, tudo bem?

Obrigado pelo comentário. Concordo plenamente com a sua observação. Volte sempre!
