Dr. Fauci: Trump ‘got it right away’ when he saw the data

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Dr. Fauci by Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho

Dr. Fauci

LIVE #86
#86 🦠 Dr. Fauci: Trump ‘got it right away’ when he saw the data 🦠 Análise e tradução de vídeo

🦠 Dr. Fauci: Trump ‘got it right away’ when he saw the data 🦠

Venha analisar entrevista do Dr. Fauci e depois traduzir a transcrição do vídeo. Participe da videoaula #86 🦠 Dr. Fauci: Trump ‘got it right away’ when he saw the data 🦠 Análise e tradução de vídeo.

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Vídeo da live do Tecla SAP


Vídeo original em inglês

🦠 Dr. Fauci: Trump ‘got it right away’ when he saw the data 🦠

Texto e Glossário

🦠 Dr. Fauci: Trump ‘got it right away’ when he saw the data 🦠

Dr. Fauci: We felt that if we prematurely pulled back, we would only form an acceleration or a rebound of something, which would have put you behind where you were before. And that’s the reason why we argued strongly with the President that he not withdraw those guidelines after 15 days. But that he extend them. And he did listen.

  • PULL BACK (phrasal verb) = if soldiers pull back, or if someone pulls them back, they move back toward their own land [recuar]
  • REBOUND (n.) /ˈriˌbaʊnd/ = an instance of increasing in value, amount, or strength after a previous decline [recuperação, ressurgimento]
  • ARGUE (v.) /ˈɑrˌɡju/ = to give reasons why you believe that something is right or true [argumentar, sustentar, afirmar, demonstrar]
  • WITHDRAW (v.) /wɪðˈdrɔ/ = to take something back, or to stop providing something [retirar, retroceder]
  • GUIDELINES (n.) /ˈɡaɪdˌlaɪnz/ = official instructions or advice about how to do something [diretrizes, orientações, direcionamentos]
  • DO (auxiliary verb) /du/ = used to give extra force to the main verb [de fato, de verdade, realmente]Cf. EMPHATIC DO
  • LISTEN (v.) /ˈlɪs(ə)n/ = to pay attention to a sound, or to try to hear a sound [escutar, prestar atenção (fig.)]Cf. HEAR x LISTEN

John Berman: You argued strongly, you said, with the President. Our reporting is that among other things you showed him these models that suggest that even with the current guidelines the death total in the United States could be between 100,000 and 200,000. So why do you think that was so convincing?

  • CURRENT (adj.) /ˈkʌrənt/ = happening or existing now [atual, corrente]

Dr. Fauci: Well, it was quite convincing. When the President… his first… as he said multiple times at the press conference yesterday, his first… his first goal is to prevent suffering and death. And we made it very clear to him that if we pulled back on what we were doing and didn’t extend them, there would be more avoidable suffering and avoidable death. So it was a pretty clear decision on his part.

  • PRESS CONFERENCE (n.) = a meeting where reporters get information and ask questions about a particular piece of news [coletiva]
  • PREVENT (v.) /prɪˈvent/ = to stop something from happening [evitar, impedir]Cf. PREVENT x AVOID

John Berman: How much convincing did it take from you?

Dr. Fauci: How much convincing? You know, interestingly, you know, we showed him the data, he looked at the data and he got it right away. It was a pretty clear picture. Dr. Debby Birx and I went in together in the Oval Office and leaned over the desk and said: “Here are the data. Take a look”. He looked at them. He understood them. And he just shook his head and said “I guess we got to do it”.

  • DATA (n.) /ˈdætə/ /ˈdeɪtə/ = facts or information used for making calculations or decisions: can be followed by a plural verb in scientific English, in which case the singular is datum [dados, informações]
  • LEAN (v.) /lin/ = to move your body so it is closer to or farther from someone or something, for example by bending at the waist [inclinar-se]

John Berman: How important was it for you to make this case when you made it because we’ve been, I guess, seven days into “We can’t make the cure worse than the disease” and “aspirational goal to open by Easter”, so how important was it for you to go in and make that case, I guess, it was just yesterday?

  • MAKE A CASE FOR SOMETHING (expr.) = to argue that something is the best thing to do, giving your reasons [justificar, embasar, fundamentar]
  • EASTER (n.) /ˈistər/ = a Sunday in March or April when Christians celebrate the time when Jesus Christ died then returned to life according to the Bible [Páscoa]

Dr. Fauci: Well, it was very important because from a public health standpoint we felt strongly that it would have been the wrong decision to pull back. I mean, we are scientists, physicians, public health officials. We’re not economists. We’re sensitive to the idea that the economy could suffer but it was patently obvious looking at the data that at the end of the day if we tried to push back prematurely, not only would we lose lives but probably it would even hurt the economy. So you would lose on double accounts. So to us there was no question what the right choice was.

Dr. Fauci — Mais vocabulário

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