Rosa Parks: frases famosas da ativista pelos direitos civis

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Rosa Parks by Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho


Rosa Parks

Arrest me for sitting on a bus? You may do that.
[Me prender por sentar no ônibus? Vá em frente.]

I’m tired of being treated like a second-class citizen.
[Estou cansada de ser tratada como uma cidadã de segunda classe.]

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.
[Eu gostaria de ser lembrada como uma pessoa que queria ser livre… para que outros também pudessem ser livres.]

I don’t think well of people who are prejudiced against people because of race. The only way for prejudiced people to change is for them to decide for themselves that all human beings should be treated fairly. We can’t force them to think that way.
[Não gosto de quem tem preconceito racial. Os preconceituosos só mudarão de opinião se eles próprios passarem a acreditar que todos os seres humanos deveriam ser tratados justamente. Não há como obrigá-los a pensar assim.]

My only concern was to get home after a hard day’s work.
[Eu só queria chegar em casa depois de um longo dia de trabalho.]


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Cf. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Cf. Letra Traduzida: STRANGE FRUIT

Cf. Consciência Negra: como dizer “Dia da Consciência Negra” em inglês?

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (1913 – 2005) was an African-American civil rights activist, whom the United States Congress called “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement”. Her birthday, February 4, and the day she was arrested, December 1, have both become Rosa Parks Day, commemorated in the U.S. states of California and Ohio. On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake’s order that she give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled. Parks was not the first person to resist bus segregation. Others had taken similar …+

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[…] Cf. Rosa Parks: frases famosas da ativista pelos direitos civis […]


[…] Se precisar dizer “deter” com o sentido de “prender” ou “encarcerar” em inglês, prefira o verbo to arrest. Confira um exemplo de uso deste verbo em “Rosa Parks: frases famosas da ativista pelos direitos civis“. […]


[…] Cf. Frases célebres: Arrest me for sitting on a bus? You may do that. […]

Nazareno Matos
Nazareno Matos
10 anos atrás

Mr. Wehby, my name is Nazareno and I´m doing grades in English Language Arts. Well, your incredible site has helped me a lot .Everyday through my facebook I get some tips from Tecla Sap, and these ones are very important for my English improvement. Thanks a lot friend.